

Thursday, 21 October 2021




Imagine that you are members of the city council and you belong to the mayor´s team . You have some money to invest and you have to use to improve the town  green conditions and facilities . 


First , get into groups . Then decide what kind of projects or ideas you are going to propose . 

You must answer  the questions  what, where, when , how  and why . 

Second , give each person a role that he/ she will have to defend in the oral presentation . 

Third, prepare a list of objectives . 

Fourth , once you have decided what your project will be about  and you have already organized your brainstorming , show it to your teacher . 


Now, it´s time to prepare each role speech . make sure that all members participate in the projects helping each other either giving ideas , suggesting  formats  or just helping the weak students to prepare  their speeches. 

Do  some research in the net  checking information and data as well as new vocabulary . 

Then , start preparing  the presentation . You can have some visual support like pp presentations ...


Structure , vocabulary , use of english , pronuntiation and intonation will be taken into account . 

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