

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Instructions for reinforcing the course contents

If you are preparing your retrieval test or if you want to practise the contents we worked with this year, here you have some clues to follow.The contents we studied are the following :
Present Simple vs Present Continuous :Contrast  with al forms ( affirmative, negative and interrogative).
Simple Past and Past Continuous :Affirmatives, negatives adn interrogatives. Contrast.
Will & Going to : Affirmatives, negatives and interrogatives . Contrast .
Modal verbs : can. could, couldn´t , should, shouldn´t , must, mustn´t .
Present Perfect : Form. Negatives, interrogatives and negatives . Present perfect with  for, since, just, already and how long .
Comparison : Comparative, Superlative, Inferiority and Equality degrees.
Personal pronouns : subject and object
Possesive pronouns and adjectives .
Conditional type 1 and subtypes .
Plus all the contensta we included in your dossiers and workbook.
Study the vocabulary we have seen  in your workbook and in your dossiers. Practise with Reading and Writing , and follow the writing steps we studied in yiur dossier and workbook .

Good luck !

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