

Friday, 21 January 2022


Present perfect is part of our daily lives , here you have some examples to let you know how often we may see or listen to it . 

Thursday, 21 October 2021




Imagine that you are members of the city council and you belong to the mayor´s team . You have some money to invest and you have to use to improve the town  green conditions and facilities . 


First , get into groups . Then decide what kind of projects or ideas you are going to propose . 

You must answer  the questions  what, where, when , how  and why . 

Second , give each person a role that he/ she will have to defend in the oral presentation . 

Third, prepare a list of objectives . 

Fourth , once you have decided what your project will be about  and you have already organized your brainstorming , show it to your teacher . 


Now, it´s time to prepare each role speech . make sure that all members participate in the projects helping each other either giving ideas , suggesting  formats  or just helping the weak students to prepare  their speeches. 

Do  some research in the net  checking information and data as well as new vocabulary . 

Then , start preparing  the presentation . You can have some visual support like pp presentations ...


Structure , vocabulary , use of english , pronuntiation and intonation will be taken into account . 

Sunday, 22 March 2020


Hello students !

These days  can become  a little difficult at times ,specially if you cannot go out .
Here you have some tips :

- Try to organize your time
- Do different activities read, do homework ...
_   Spend time with your family.
_   Chat with your friends
_   Do some exercise, etc...

I included a section with suggested exercises although you can find your own .Exercise is good to relax and it helps to feels better if you want to try .

Do your best and take care !

Wednesday, 19 December 2018


Students who have to prepare and do the retrieval (recuperació ) exam have to follow these instructions :

1) Revise the dossier , the theory and the photocopies we used in class .
2)  Study the vocabulary we studied in the dossier .
3) Do the exercises  under the heading Module 1.Unit 1 in this blog .
    Exercises : A,B,C,D,F,J,K,L,M,N, Z.1, Z.2, Z.3
    You can print them or write the answers in  your notebook .


Before doing the Retrieval ( recuperació ) exam , you must give to the teacher the blog exercises and a list of the vocabulary we studied in the dossier .


Students who have a  5 in the 1st Term Final Mark must also do these  exercises to reinforce  and revise the studied contents . It is not optional , it is compulsory. You must give the exercises to your teacher before the 18th of January .

Good luck !