123 English In Motion !
This blog is designed to help students with their English. At the same time the idea is to reinforce the Culture pages that are seen in some cross curricular topics. You will find some activities you can do as extra practice in the "Extra " section . Enjoy your learning !
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Friday, 21 January 2022
Present perfect is part of our daily lives , here you have some examples to let you know how often we may see or listen to it .
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Imagine that you are members of the city council and you belong to the mayor´s team . You have some money to invest and you have to use to improve the town green conditions and facilities .
First , get into groups . Then decide what kind of projects or ideas you are going to propose .
You must answer the questions what, where, when , how and why .
Second , give each person a role that he/ she will have to defend in the oral presentation .
Third, prepare a list of objectives .
Fourth , once you have decided what your project will be about and you have already organized your brainstorming , show it to your teacher .
Now, it´s time to prepare each role speech . make sure that all members participate in the projects helping each other either giving ideas , suggesting formats or just helping the weak students to prepare their speeches.
Do some research in the net checking information and data as well as new vocabulary .
Then , start preparing the presentation . You can have some visual support like pp presentations ...
Structure , vocabulary , use of english , pronuntiation and intonation will be taken into account .
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
1) Revise the dossier , the theory and the photocopies we used in class .
2) Study the vocabulary we studied in the dossier .
3) Do the exercises under the heading Module 1.Unit 1 in this blog .
Exercises : A,B,C,D,F,J,K,L,M,N, Z.1, Z.2, Z.3
You can print them or write the answers in your notebook .
Before doing the Retrieval ( recuperació ) exam , you must give to the teacher the blog exercises and a list of the vocabulary we studied in the dossier .
Students who have a 5 in the 1st Term Final Mark must also do these exercises to reinforce and revise the studied contents . It is not optional , it is compulsory. You must give the exercises to your teacher before the 18th of January .
Good luck !
1st Term Retrieval - Recuperació and Reinforment
- A) Read the text and then do the reading comprehension quiz about it.
- B) Reading Comprehension and Gap filling Exercise.
- C) Daily Routines .Listening exercise.
- C.1) Life of Maria. Present Simple.
- C.2) Spelling in the Present Simple.
- C.3) Auxiliaries in the Present.
- C.4) Listening Exercise. song.
- C.5) Famous Sportsmen.
- D) Present simple and present Continuous.
- E) Listening Exercise.
- F) Spelling Exercise in the Present.
- G: Past tenses
- H) Past Tenses Test
- H.1) Past tense
- H.2 ) Past Tense
- H.3) Song
- H.4) Past Tense
- H.4). J.K Rowling .Reading Comprehension.
- I) Describing Past events
- K) Simple Past vs Past continuous.
- L) Reading Test. Past Continuous.
- M) mixed Tenses.
- N) Past simplevs Past Continuous.
- Q) Mixed Tenses.
- S. Present Perfect.
- S.1)Present Perfect.
- S.2) Present Perfect.
- S.O) Present Perfect
- T) Present Perfect Test.
- T.1) Present Perfect vs Simple Past
- T.1) Steffi Graf text.
- T.2) Mixed Tenses-
- T.2) Present Perfect.
- T.3) Present or Past.
- T.4) For or Since.
- U) Present Perfect vs Simple Past.
- U.1) Present Perfect vs Simple Past.
- U.2) Test
- U.3) Present Perfect vs Simple Past .
- U.5) Present Perfect vs Simple Past