

Wednesday, 31 May 2017


Cooperative or group work implies that all the members in the group must fulfill the tasks and the corresponding part the have been assigned. Collaborative work implies "all members " work , so remember to make sure that all of your follow the group coordinator instructions . 
In the oral presentation  the group task is going to be important but indivudual preparation is also going to be essential . 
Remember to prepare well your presentation focussing on your tone of voice , intonation , pronuntiation , vocabulary and grammar structures and audience engagement and control . 
Good luck !!

Friday, 26 May 2017

                 MY ECO HOUSE

               Instructions to prepare the power point presentation .

1)      Introduction : Present the topic giving generals details  about the house .    
     2)      Explanation :
-          Type of house , extension  or length , situation...
-          House caracteristics ( rooms , facilities …)
-          House Materials :  You have to mention the material , explaining what  they consist of , why you choose them , where you use them , etc…
-        Explain why you think  your house is ecological  . Support your answers and give reasons to use  this type of house in the future .

     3)      Make a brief summary of the Project . Mention the points you like most and     the ones you didn´t like a lot . Support you answers . Mention how much   you liked the Project and why . 
