

Monday, 13 June 2016

Exam to improve your mark


The exam consists on  2 different   exams working with all the contents  (grammar, vocabulary , connectors, phrasal verbs ..) studied during the course . The parts of the exam are :
- A written exam working with all the srtructures studied during the year .
- An oral exam  . In the oral exam the teachers can ask you about any of the topics  that we have studied during the year ,as well as open topics like in the last oral expositions .

June retrieval Exams - Recuperació

Students who have to pass the Recuperació de Juny must do the activities from  June Retrieval Test Recuperació. These activities must be handed  in to your teacher the day of the exam .
If you want to do extra practice you can do the different modules activities.

To prepare your writings you can practice with the writings done during the year and remember to use, connectors of sequence , comparatives, superlatives, the vocablary studied and the enries that we introduced during the last term : I think, in my opinion ,from my point of view ,  the advantatges are , the disadvantages are...I agree, I disagree...

Good luck and prepare well your exams.